Tammie's Native American Children's Literature Page


Author Focus
Illustrator Focus

Weekly Reflections

June 4-June 7
This week went by incredibly fast.  The first day of class was interesting because of the different stories we all shared.  The Collier Jr exhibit was beautiful and it showed life at that time as i could never have imagined.  It allowed me to understand what my parents usually talk about from time to time.  Tuesday we met at Andrea Kristina it was my first time in the store for quite some time.  We spoke about many stereotypes that are made in Native American literature.  We were also able to visit the Emerson Gallery.  The artwork on display is beautiful and we were able to see a few books that were on display.  Thursday we met at the SJC library.  We were able to peruse the section on Native American Childrens lit and checked out a few materials.  We also trekked to the Smart lab and got a start on our web pages.  I have never created a web page so this is new to me.  I never thought that i would have one ever!  I believe it helps to see what other people in the class are doing.  It gives me a sense of direction.

June 12-June 14
Another week flew by....Tuesday we met at SJC west with Barbara it was nice to hear her personal stories relating with Native American views and literature.  She went over books that were great and a few that were not.  We were also had lunch with her at the country kitchen and we all chatted.  On Wednesday we met with Kathy Hurst which was great.  I had no idea that so many materials were available in Navajo.  Everything they presented to us was wonderful and is certainly something to think about implementing into a future classroom.  We also went over genres which is helpful because I was confused.  We went over Don Quixote and Frances told us a story.  She did a wonderful job by the way..
Thursday we met at the Indian Center to eat lunch and we read the I Am From and Mud Poems.... We also were able to start our own personal version of I Am From... Then we ate...and ate... Following our eating was a trip and tour of the Farmington Public Library...It was my first time in the new library so I was happy that it involved a tour.  I also was able to get a library card and we signed up for the adult reading program.  We even had the opportunity to meet with super heroes and we fit in a few photo ops... Another productive week... Sorry i missed Saturday...:(

June 25-June 29
This is the last week and I am sad... I loved working with all of you and all the people we were given the opportunity to meet.  It was fun to create my first web page and a learning experience.  I most definitely enjoyed the food and laughter! I enjoyed all that we have shared together and will miss you all...... I have definitely learned to look at books differently.  I plan to include culture sensitivity whenever I read or purchase a book.

June 19-June 21
I feel sad we only have one more week left...:(  On Tuesday we met with Jean Whitehorse and she was phenomenal.  The energy she has and the knowledge she shares with others about her culture.  I had no idea my grandmother would even be able to know how to work a computer.  I am glad others are getting that opportunity and enjoy it.  It is something else that we can have to bridge that gap with our elders.  I think that work that she is doing is great.  Pretty soon they will have computers over me and I will need a teacher.  Thursday we met at the library and had a chance to tell our poems.  We also had lunch at Coffeeworks and shared our personal stories.  We had the opportunity to have a practice round of storytelling with Vina.  I thought it was scary but good to get that over with.  Atleast I have a taste of what it will be like on Tuesday.  Friday we had our own Native American Film Festival and potluck.  We shared good food and watched House Made of Dawn.  The movie was interesting and I read the story a few years ago so it was kind of blurry....  I enjoyed what we shared that night and sad to see the summer session end...:(