LLSS 443 Children's Literature


Home | Booklist | Literature Reading Reflections | Author Biography | Illustrator Biography | Tibbetts Lesson Plans & Teaching Reflection Journal | Book Sell | Four Corners Storytelling Festival | Midterm Summary & Evaluation | Children's Literature Web Resources | Genre & Literary Elements | Final Summary & Evaluation | Extra Credit Experiences | Poetry Performance | Fire in the Hills

A class web site can be a creative way of getting students excited about a subject, keeping them up to date on assignments, and providing them with valuable online resources. Because a class site should be engaging, I'll present information that makes the subject interesting and fun, such as brain teasers or polls about current events. Of course, I'll want to include plenty of links so students can explore a wealth of ideas on the web.

Here are examples of the content I might include.

Events and Announcements
Updated 3/20/00

Don't forget, we're taking a trip to the Museum of Fine Arts on March 22. You won't need to bring a lunch, but you must have your permission slip signed and with you when you get on the bus.

Assignment 4 is not due until April 3 (instead of March 31).

Meet the Challenge!

Clipart of a pencil; Size=135 pixels wide

Helpful Links-443 Children's Literature 2008

Course Syllabus

Course Webpages

Four Corners Storytelling Festival

In the News


(The value of literature lies in) "making us know ourselves and the world." 
Matthew Arnold 

Please get in touch with any questions or comments on my site.

The Official Site of Sherman Alexie

Pam Munoz Ryan's Official site.....

Christopher Paul Curtis website